Winter Prep: Big 5 Checklist For Keeping Warm

Winter Prep: Big 5 Checklist For Keeping Warm -Start by entering to win 100 gallons!

The big box of holiday decorations has been pulled out of storage, and the house is getting spiffed-up for the holidays. It’s looking pretty good, I think. Outside, I raked leaves, swept the front walk, put away garden tools, and hung a wreath on the door. I even remembered to put fresh batteries in all my smoke alarms. I’m ready for the holiday, but is my home ready for winter?

As you’re busy preparing for the holiday season, you might begin to focus on the cursory maintenance items and cosmetic touching-up of things around the home. While you’re nesting in for winter, broaden your checklist to must-do items to include these 5 important areas to ensure a comfortable, hassle-free winter:

1. WINDOWS. If you haven’t already done so, remove portable air conditioning units from windows. Removing completely rather than simply covering them up ensures keeping cold air out as effectively as possible. Caulk and seal gaps around windows as needed.

2. GUTTERS. Clear gutters of leaves and debris, where water can accumulate and turn to ice, blocking drainage. Water can back up and overflow the gutters, causing water damage along rooflines.

3. ATTIC. Check your attic insulation level. Warm attic air and colder outside air can cause problems with ice and snow melting and refreezing. More info:

4. FIREPLACE. If you have a fireplace and use it regularly, then annual maintenance is vital. Check with a professional chimney sweep to eliminate creosote buildup, which is a fire hazard.

5. FURNACE. This is a do-it-now, before snow falls item! Have your home heating system maintained annually. Having it serviced and diagnosed will ensure it runs as efficiently as possible and can extend the life of your furnace. Don’t wait to have this done until the dead of winter when going without heat for even a brief period of time can become very uncomfortable.

Let Hillside HVAC help with your checklist. Call today to schedule your home heating system maintenance. In Delaware: 302-738-4144. In Maryland: 410-398-2146.

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