
How to save money on your cooling bills this summer

Keeping your house warmer during the day while you are working will save on energy bills. Make sure the thermostat is turned up high enough so the air conditioner does not run when you are not home. The Consumer Energy Center says for every 1 degree above 72 you can save between 1-2% on your electric bill. If you have a programmable thermostat you can tell it what time you return home, and the house will be more comfortable without the expense of running all day long.

You can save money on your cooling bills by keeping your thermostat set properly while you are sleeping and working. A programmable thermostat is a fantastic tool for automatically adjusting temperatures at different times of the day. Even without a programmable thermostat, adjusting temperatures manually can save you money throughout the summer. Hillside provides and installs programmable thermostats, some thermostats are accessible from anywhere you have Internet access!

Consider an air conditioner tune-up from Hillside to make sure your unit is running as efficiently as possible. Low refrigerant and dirty filters decrease the efficiency of your air conditioner. Optimal performance increases efficiency, which is what we are all looking for these days…savings on our energy bills. A tuned-up air conditioning system is more likely to avoid breakdown at the times when the unit is needed most. Regular maintenance increases the lifespan and can give you an idea of how much longer your system may have before considering replacement.

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Springtime options for A/C tune-ups and replacements

Hillside HVAC Tune-Up

Hillside HVAC’s Air Conditioner Tune-Up $99

This is a unique time of year. The sudden change in seasons and a (potential) tax refund prompt many of us to think about home improvements. Focus at home turns to spring clean up and also a time when many consider replacing or tuning up their air conditioning equipment. Hillside offers an air conditioner tune-up which could prove to be a great early season investment. Avoid future troubles when the hot weather arrives for good and make sure your equipment is running at maximum efficiency. An efficient unit is the best method to keep utility bills as low as possible.

If replacement may be in your future, keep Hillside in mind for a free estimate, and make sure you obtain a couple estimates. Many of us obtain second opinions for everything, estimates for a major home improvement should not be any different.