
Springtime options for A/C tune-ups and replacements

Hillside HVAC Tune-Up

Hillside HVAC’s Air Conditioner Tune-Up $99

This is a unique time of year. The sudden change in seasons and a (potential) tax refund prompt many of us to think about home improvements. Focus at home turns to spring clean up and also a time when many consider replacing or tuning up their air conditioning equipment. Hillside offers an air conditioner tune-up which could prove to be a great early season investment. Avoid future troubles when the hot weather arrives for good and make sure your equipment is running at maximum efficiency. An efficient unit is the best method to keep utility bills as low as possible.

If replacement may be in your future, keep Hillside in mind for a free estimate, and make sure you obtain a couple estimates. Many of us obtain second opinions for everything, estimates for a major home improvement should not be any different.